Thursday, September 12, 2019

DO you believe the new attendance policy should be adopted Essay

DO you believe the new attendance policy should be adopted - Essay Example The proposed plan of the university of suspending students that are absent more than three times during a course is outrageous and detrimental to the student alumni. The purpose of this paper is to describe the reasons why the three absent policy should not be implemented by the university. Students are the customers of universities since they are the ones paying tuition to keep a university open. University students are spending time and money with a purpose in mind (Nytimes, 2010). If a student is not able to attend class for whatever reason the student realizes that he is hurting his chances to succeed, but the student as the client of the university has the right to be absent. The mandatory nature of this policy discriminates against the students of this university. Sometimes students face personal challenges such as a lack of transportation to reach school which inhibit their abilities to attend to every class. The proposed penalty associated with the three absent system is not fair because many students will become victims of this dictatorship policy. The university must reconsider this policy immediately because not doing so can cause major distress among the students. Psychological distress among students is an undesirable outcome that hurts the learning environment (Nauert, 2010). I am sure that the students of this university will not take this matter lightly. I expect major student revolt at this university because the proposed idea is discriminatory and it violates the rights of the students. The university should not go forward with its plan and should seek alternative solutions to find a more reasonable measure to improve overall attendance at the school. Good leaders identify the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative solution before making a decision (Cliffnotes, 2012). A potential compromise for the university to become stricter with attendance and protect the interest of the students is to create a policy that lowers the grade of

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