Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Augmented Reality Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Augmented Reality Application - Essay Example The virtual scene which is generated through this process by the computer is designed so as to enhance the perception of the virtual world that the user is either interacting with or viewing. The main goal of the augmented reality is to help in creating a system whereby the user cannot be in a position to tell the difference between the real world and the virtual augmentation of it. Currently the Augmented Reality is used in different entertainment joints, engineering design, military and robotics, the process of manufacturing among others. (Roche, 2011) The video stratum mainly requires three main steps, which includes; Recognition of the object, face, image or the body. The second is tracking which is the real time localization in the space of the specific object, image or body. The third one is the mix which is the superposition of a media which is usually on top of the face, body, object or image. The process of these three often takes less than forty microseconds in order to det ect and match the fluidity in human eye for up to 2h5 images in every second. (Huang, 2013) For the past 3 decades, we have been entertained by different video games. The Augmented reality is moving the entertainment from the common graphics frequently seen in televisions. The technology blurs a thick line between what computer generates and what is real through the enhancing the senses of smell, sense and see. On the specific spectrum existing in the virtual reality and helps in the creation immersive real world and computer generated, the augmented reality is closer to the world. After using the technology, I realized that it adds sounds, graphics, smell and haptic feedback to the real and natural world just as it exists. Both the cell phones and the video games are vital in the development of the augmented reality. People from different professionals, tourists and even people from the military are now in a position to benefit from the possibility of computer generated graphics in the specific field of vision. It is axiomatic to argue that the augmented reality is changing the way people view world today especially its users. It is no doubt that technology changes the way we do business across the globe, but it is clear having used the app, that AR has taken the real feeling to the next level. The feeling after using the app makes it interesting that I needed to use it more. FOUR EXAMPLES The AR information in the four examples is amazing. Watching the segment gives one a sense and a feeling of wanting to watch again. It brings the world to its real form. In the first example of the movie, Posters, the app, gives an example of an individual watching a movie using the app. It tries to capture different pictures from the room to the field where he captures the picture of the ecosystem. It is just amazing the connecting it brings with the nature. The understanding of the application is made easier through the use of this system. The capturing of the whole seque nces portrays attractive images which appear to be real. The images are also very sharp and clear making one to have the feeling of watching the movie on a 3-D basis. (Sood, 2012) In the movie and scanning, it will be possible to scan the top movie posters using the Layar app so as to make it possible viewing the trainers, find information about the movie, see the critics. Using

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