Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Branding Essay

Case Study 1: Transaction pricing in a recessionary economy Our client is an FMCG major that sells its products across many large and small retailers. The client is facing pressure from one such large retailer to cut prices across brands and categories. The client is therefore losing money on several products. Our client would like to use analytics to bring in some science into the pricing decision. Our analysis should help the client decide what pricing strategies should be applied to each product. How would you approach this analysis? The data available is weekly price and volume data for all client brands at the retailer for a period of 2 years. Case Study 2: Managing extreme seasonality Our brand is a high end lifestyle brand, famous globally. They however, face an issue of seasonal sales, with over 60% of their sales coming in the holiday period. They would like to understand how best to ensure sales in non seasonal periods as well and make the sales curve more even. Data available includes volume and values sales and usage and attitude studies. Case Study 3: NPD (own label) at a supermarket chain A leading supermarket chain wants to expand its limited portfolio of RTE food products. Transaction data for the past 1 year is available. How would you go about understanding the type of products to be introduced? What is the launch strategy for the products chosen? Case Study 4: Acquisition vs New product development A food major in the market with no chips brand in its portfolio. A decision has been made at the board level to either acquire an existing brand or launch a new one in this space. You are in charge of implementing this. 1. How will you take the decision on acquisition vs. new product development? Which metrics would you evaluate, what analysis would you perform & what data would you require? 2. If you decide to acquire a brand, how would you choose among the existing brands? What info do you require on each brand to make this call? a. Any intangible factors that would influence your valuation of existing brands? In case you decide to launch a new brand, how would you go about it? How would you decide the desired new brand characteristics and the associated marketing mix? Case Study 5: Analyzing brand performance A chips brand has recently been launched, but its performance has not been too good. The large promotional investments put in have not yielded lasting returns. You are told to investigate what’s wrong with the brand. 1. What data would you request to complete your investigation in this case? 2. Can you talk about your analysis roadmap in this scenario? What possible corrective actions would you suggest (you are free to make relevant assumptions on the diagnosis)? Case Study 6: Heritage brand with stagnating growth A very old chips brand (kind of like a heritage brand) is faced with stagnating growth. It continues to perform reasonably well on key equity parameters, and there is no decline compared to previous years. 1. How do you read the situation? What data would you require to make an accurate diagnosis of the issue? What are the potential corrective actions you would suggest? How would you decide between the various options?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Word “Ghetto”

A word’s meaning can usually be traced back for hundreds of years. Over such long periods of time, words become manipulated, many times to the point where the meaning changes entirely. This is the case with the word â€Å"ghetto. † The word ghetto can be traced all the way back into the 1500’s. This word has infiltrated itself into today’s society and culture seamlessly. However the current definition of the word is far from what the original definition was. Perhaps due to the connection that the word ghetto has with urban culture, the word has evolved over time to have a more positive, less intolerant meaning.The word ghetto, which would come to be used throughout Europe to describe communities of isolated minority groups, originated in Venice in the 1500’s. According to the Oxford English Dictionary a ghetto was â€Å"The quarter in a city, chiefly in Italy, to which the Jews were restricted† (OED). In 16th century Italy, Pope Paul IV estab lished ghettos in Venice as a place of confinement for Jews. His main goal was to gain maximum economic advantage from the Jews’ presence while ensuring minimal social contact with Jewish people.In 1516, seven hundred Jews were forced to move to one small part of Venice, then an abandoned site of a 14th-century foundry that produced cannons. This area known as the â€Å"Geto† was an old Venetian dialect for â€Å"foundry† from the Italian verb gettare which means to pour or to cast, while the island across from it on which waste products had been dumped became known as â€Å"Il terrneo del Ghetto. † The word ghetto in its new usage did not remain long confined to the city of Venice. Generalization of the term helped the word to include all enclosed quarters of Jews in Europe.By the Pope’s edict, Jews remained enclosed in ghettos for two centuries until 1797, when Napoleon and the French army invaded Italy. At that time the ghettos were disbanded an d the Jewish people who lived in them were allowed to go wherever they pleased (holocaustresearchproject). Having immigrated to new countries, Jews tended to congregate in particular areas of a town or a city even when no longer forced to do so as did many minority groups living in a foreign country. This was a matter of choice. The Nazi’s eliminated the choice. â€Å"Ghettoisation† appeared in the countries occupied by Germany during World War II.After their 1939 invasion of Poland, Germans tried to control the sizable Jewish population by forcing Jews, and also Gypsies, to reside in marked-off sections of towns and cities the Nazis called â€Å"ghettos. † Altogether the Germans created at least 1000 ghettos. The largest was in Warsaw, Poland, which was the location from where the Nazis transported more than 300,000 prisoners to death camps. The Warsaw Ghetto was also the site of the largest and most significant Jewish uprising, and the first urban uprising in German occupied Europe (holocaustresearchproject).The Germans usually marked off the oldest and most run down areas of a city for a ghetto site. Thus the word â€Å"Ghetto† came to be associated with cramped dilapidated housing, appalling sanitary conditions, inadequate and poor food quality, absence of medical supplies and facilities that were all common aspects of ghetto living. Inhabitants often died of starvation, disease and exhaustion within the ghetto. These connotations remained attached to the word ghetto even up until modern times. In America, the word changed and evolved.Today, the term ghetto applies primarily to blacks in Northern U. S. cities. While all major immigrant groups coming into the U. S. establish their own residential areas, blacks ended up more segregated then most. Scholars have argued over whether or not poverty created ghettos in America or whether the ghettos created poverty. In any event, the connotation of the word ghetto in America became asso ciated with large-scale housing projects and inner city neighborhoods inhabited by black people who suffer from harsh living conditions.Because of such harsh living conditions, these areas have become notorious for crime, drugs, and violence. Thus the connotation of the word ghetto in America has stayed true to its original usage. It is used to this day to describe places of racial segregation (bos. frb. org). While the word ghetto still is associated with impoverished living environments, perhaps because of gentrification the word ghetto has come to have positive slang connotations as well.For example, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines the expression â€Å"ghetto fabulous† or â€Å"ghetto fab† as â€Å"an ostentatious or flamboyant lifestyle or manner of dress, associated with the hip-hop subculture and characterized as a marker of status in economically disadvantaged urban neighborhoods. † This is a perfect example of how the way we use the word ghet to has changed dramatically over time. The word became part of hip-hop culture in the 1990’s. It was used in a good way for the first time.To describe someone who wanted to be part of that way of life as â€Å"ghetto† or â€Å"ghetto fab† was a complement. It was something that the world had never seen before. The creation of slang words and expressions is one of the ways that language changes over time. A group will use a certain word and after time, it may become widely used. Then it can become a part of most people’s vocabulary. Instead of being a noun with the most negative connotations of poverty disease and even death, the word ghetto is currently used as an adjective to label certain clothing, style, and even attitudes.There are certain brands of clothes that in many cases are described as ghetto. This could be because of the way they look (baggy, brightly colored) or because of the fact that the people who wear them frequently live in urban areas. The word ghetto is used for many reasons. Due to our culture and our society many times the word gains negative meaning. Generalizations may cause people to believe that people from the ghetto have less moral values than someone from out of the ghetto. However, the true definition of the word says nothing about morality.Although the word has a myriad of meanings, it is still understood in a variety of conversations (123helpme). Did the word ghetto really go from being such a negative term to such a positive one while somehow still maintaining part of its original meaning? That’s exactly what the word has done. The bridge between the two polar opposite meanings can probably be attributed to the fact that each has something to do with the city or urban areas. This is just about the most ameliorated a word could ever get.After a few centuries of word evolution, the word ghetto has become part of our culture in a positive way, rather than a negative one. The word has been throug h an incredible amount of semantic change. Through the process of broadening, the word has gained many new meanings. It no longer describes a quarter of an Italian city in which Jews were forced to stay in. It no longer has to describe a run down, over populated city such as Brooklyn, New York. The word ghetto can be used as an adjective now. It can be used to positively describe someone or something.Semantic changes such as broadening and generalization have brought about countless new usages and meanings to what was once a very specialized word (COHA) The word has been altered over time to become much more of a slang term. Many would argue that this term has become slang because of the way it is used by the younger generations. While it shouldn’t be considered a totally different word, the word ghetto represents entirely different meaning then it used to. The word has been used in and seen in such a wide variety of ways that it rarely gets used to describe what it was nitia lly meant to. The real meaning of the word ghetto does not mean much anymore because there is no longer a place where Jews are forced to live or for that matter a place where any group or minority is forced to live. The word now depicts a disadvantaged section of a city or town. The word ghetto was used in America most frequently in the 1970’s. Before that it was probably used a lot more internationally due to the fact that most ghettos in America did not exist until around the 1950’s. In the 1970’s the word is used with certain words very frequently.For example the words â€Å"black,† â€Å"boxed-in,† and â€Å"community. † However over time and into the 21st century the word is used less and less. While the usage decreases, the meaning changes. Today, we see the word ghetto used with words and phrases such as â€Å"fabulous,† â€Å"pimp,† â€Å"track-suit,† and â€Å"gangsta† (COHA). Its evident that as time goe s on, the meaning of the word ghetto is being altered tremendously. The word ghetto is a word that has an important place in not only today’s world, but also in the past. The word contains tremendous meaning for certain groups of people throughout history.For most of these people the word isn’t something they consider a noble word or a cheerful word at all. The people who know best what this word means are the people who experienced the Ghetto, the people who were confined, and people who were restricted. These people couldn’t experience the outside world. They were stuck in what is now defined by the OED as â€Å"the part of the city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups. † The term was originally used in Venice, Italy to describe the place where the Jews were meant to live.Eventually the term became widespread. Now used not just for areas where minorities live, but also for poorer areas in general. The word went through the sem antic change of broadening. Ultimately, more than just Europeans in the old world used the word. In later years, the Venetian origin of the word â€Å"ghetto† came to be forgotten, as it was used exclusively in its secondary meaning as referring to compulsory, segregated and enclosed Jewish quarters, and then in a looser sense, to refer to any area densely populated by Jews.Eventually â€Å"ghetto became the general designation for areas densely inhabited by minority groups, almost always for socioeconomic reasons, rather than legal ones as had been the case with the initial Jewish ghetto. Interestingly enough, the word â€Å"ghetto† can be described as a colloquialism, but can just as easily be used as slang. The fact is no one changed the meaning of the word on purpose. This is what happens to words over time. They change meaning time and time again. The word ghetto is no different. The word is a perfect example of language and how it is ever changing.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Customer behaviour towards online shopping Essay

Customer behaviour towards online shopping - Essay Example Introduction 1.1 Introduction The development of the Internet has not only provided a technological tool but also an essential tool for commercial dealings. In recent years, business people and their customers have increasingly used the Internet for a variety of purposes. Businesses use the Internet and other online functions such as electronic mail as a means of advertising their products and popularizing their brands to their prospective customers. The Internet has also made it possible for consumers to research the brands and products they intend to buy and then purchase their desired products online. Businesses that have embraced the use of the Internet have seen their organizations grow at the same time that they have seen their costs of advertising shrink (Evans, 2009). Such firms have also witnessed an increase in overall sales levels due to increased online shopping. Industry related sources such as the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG, 2012) anticipate that Internet s ales just in the UK will be approximately seventy seven billion pounds or more by the end of year 2012. The Internet can have profound effects on the way one conducts business. It has become a vital tool and avenue for carrying out trade and aids to trade, i.e. commerce. As a tool, it equips buyers and sellers with adequate information on products and services. As an avenue, it overcomes the limitation brought about by geographical distance, time zone, and the need for a physical office. Great Britain has experienced the fastest growth in terms of electronic shopping in the entire Europe, having estimated sales of sixty eight billion pounds in the year 2011 representing an increase of 1.6% (Wood, 2012).... This paper considers general Internet usage in the context of marketing, provide an overview of online shopping, and discuss the profitability of online shopping over the past few years, before looking at Tesco and Asda specifically. Finally, since the factors that affect consumer confidence towards online shopping are diverse, it is important to study some of the factors within e-marketing frame such as product, price, promotion, distribution and customer service. Technological factors and demographics as well as social factors are also important and are considered as the macro environment of marketing. The World Wide Web has dramatically increased the general use of the Internet. In 1993, the World Wide Web was developed to be a commercial tool by the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee. Instead of using the Internet's â€Å"World Wide Webâ€Å" as a technological tool, the Internet quickly became an effective commercial outlet for vendors and customers. By late 2000, the Internet already had more than 450 million online users thanks to the convenience of the World Wide Web. According to estimates by Nua, there were already more than 30 million hosted websites as reported by the various server organizations by that time (Web update, This proves that the Internet environment is very effective and important for business ( E-business success through the Internet is also evidence of increasingly new customers to online shopping for company products and services.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Brief History of Saudi Arabia and Malaysia Essay - 108

Brief History of Saudi Arabia and Malaysia - Essay Example Malaysia, whose capital city is Kuala Lumpur, is approximately 50 years old. It occupies the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Its port cities of Malay Archipelago have facilitated spice and silk trade for a long time. Malaysia is located at a trading junction. This position has for a long time, brought trade and foreign influences such as multiculturalism involving Hindu and Buddhist. It has a population of approximately 28 million citizens, with a monarchical form of government (Hooker 2).Given that since the ancient times, Malaysia has comfortably accommodated different cultures with business interest, ours will not be exceptional, and this can also be backed by the economic indicators to be discussed below. According to statistics of 2013 from global edge website by World Bank API, Saudi Arabia has an annual growth rate of 3.798%, which is a positive indicator of the economic performance within the country. The GDP per capital of Saudi Arabia as per 2013, according to World Bank API in global edge website is $53,780 as per the current international rates. This clearly shows that the population has the required purchasing power, hence a good hub for the business opportunity. The population of Saudi Arabia, as given by World Bank API of 2013, stands at 28,828,870 people. 82.702% of this population resides in the urban centers. This urban population represents the potential target market for our restaurant venture. In addition to this, the annual urban population growth rate is pegged at 2.144% as per World Bank API 2013. Looking at the consumer prices statistics of 2013 by World Bank, the inflation rate is pegged at 3.506%, indicating that ideally, consumers are in a position to afford a number of commodities. Similarly, import of goods and services statistics of 2013 reports a remarkable amount of $ 229,291,466,666.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Instigation of the hostage crisis of 1979 Essay

Instigation of the hostage crisis of 1979 - Essay Example The Iran Hostage Crisis began on November 4, 1979; when the pro Ayatollah students broke into the US embassy in Iran and took about 66 90 people hostage, of which 66 were Americans. Thirteen hostages were later freed, bringing the number down to 53. Almost all of these 13 hostages released were believed to be African-American women, who in their view had a history of oppression by the very country they were citizens of . Another hostage was later released in 1980 bringing the total number of hostages held down to 52. The hostages were finally set free after 444 days on 21st January 1981.This coincided with the inaugural address of President Ronald Reagan. There are several questions that are being asked on what could have been the actual cause of the attack on the US embassy in Tehran by the pro Ayatollah students. There are varied views on what could have motivated them into the act. No need to start a new paragraph. The topic has not changed. You open a new paragraph only when you switch to a new topic. It is generally said that the acceptance of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in New York may have been the cause of the crisis. Despite the acceptance of Shah into US soil being taken to be the immediate cause of the attack, the hostage taking was actually motivated by much more than Shah’s acceptance. Even though, on the surface, Shah's acceptance into the U.S. soil was alleged to be the main cause behind the hostage crisis, the real reasons behind the motivation ran much deeper than that. This The hostage crisis was an avenue hence used as front by that the participants in the act used to make their displeasure known and to show t hat they were breaking away from the past where the Americans had been interfering with the Iran’s internal affairs by supporting the Shah.

The reasons behind choosing creativity as the most core values of Essay

The reasons behind choosing creativity as the most core values of George Mason University - Essay Example Of this core values, creativity stands out as the most essential value, basing on the fact that I am a person who has a passion for creative things, ideas, and dislike routine tasks. I also like thinking widely and knowledge expansion is my goal. Very often, this value is taken for granted when people speak of creative works such as cooking, designing, art, and other tasks that evidently have to do with creating a tangible substance. Creativity to me is the core value that drives our daily activities. In being creative, one can take all that he or she knows, all that he did experience or thought of, all his beliefs, dreams, passions, and emotions; all is taken and reflected upon. Ultimately, such a person can come up with personal angle or a collection of ideas to develop a new skill. Reflecting upon all those likelihoods and taking the next step is what constitutes creativity. It means that we need creativity all the time, and thus, using the word creative specifically for individua ls who come up with something that had not been in existence puts down or ignores one’s own creative power. Whether the other students desire most the other core values at George Mason University, creativity is inevitable in their learning and work experience. They will have to create some things in most endeavors. The reflections come up as a result of what an individual is familiar with in one approach or another. Any imagination and a reflection upon it depend on how far one dares to create something new or fresh. It is more desirable for students to go beyond their comfort zone and avoid sticking to their normal routines. With this in mind, it really does not matter what one does, but is great to see what he or she can do with what is already available. Immediately a person gets more conscience about this core value, he can see that it is a value that we interact with all the time. Creativity as an essential value can inspire us to initiate new ideas, since it is most pro bably the most vital human resource. Without it, there would be little or no progress and the same patterns would be repeated for ever. It is a unique value and if it is blocked or ignored, it will never exist in any other means thus losing it completely. To avoid this risk, it calls upon every individual to leave whatever he treasures most or finds comfort in, and go far away from such instincts to discover the wonders of his being. In fact it is better to have some new, wrong ideas than having no ideas at all. Creativity is part of human nature. The most creative individuals find ways around impediments since they do not see them as roadblocks but as opportunities. Being creative makes us expand our insights, which comes along with new techniques of resolving problems. Moreover, creativity embraces originality and brings about exclusive connections between ideas that seem disparate. It is about living life as an expedition into sporting and speaking out the extra-ordinariness of s imple acts. It is actually true that the only way to make a person unique from the rest is how well he can think for himself, do what he likes most, what stimulates and challenges his mind everyday. Conclusion In each individual’s life, certain ideas and beliefs may matter most than others. Rating creativity, global community, integrity, team work, rigor, and diversity core values is a suitable way of matching a person’s work values with occupational characteristics. Even though I chose creativity as the value that resonates

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Concept of Disinterestedness as Central for the Ethics of Kant Essay

The Concept of Disinterestedness as Central for the Ethics of Kant - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the chief postulate of the philosophy of Kant is that the mind can know objects existing in the external world only via notions of space and time, which are sensible forms produced by the mind itself. Kant maintains that these forms, by virtue of structuring the sensual information, enable the knowledge as such, and concludes that all we know about objects is their appearance in time and space, in this way drawing attention to the fact that the mind adds something to its knowledge, fundamentally limiting itself in the process. Kant used these views as an argument in his moral philosophy to show that humans are free because it is the power of their reason that posits a moral law for their actions. In frames of the classical tradition, moral philosophy was viewed as ethics based on the human situation in the world, and on the realities external in relation to mind. Under this view, moral goodness is rooted in the natur e of man, the nature of things, and God. This approach gave rise to Natural Law theory of ethics, and since the classical period, the moral philosophy offered few new perspectives. It was Kant who offered a truly new perspective in the moral philosophy as he rationalized ethics by his exaltation of Pure Reason as a system of beliefs that does not depend on sensual experience, and at the same time used his Christian background to absolutize his moral ideal. He grounded morality not on the traditional notion of good but on the pure obligation, akin to his perception of knowledge as based on some a priori, i.e. independent of experience, forms inherent to mind. In this way, Kant replaced the traditional Christian ethics with reason, which became the factor that shapes human life, and ascribed to morality absolutized and sacred status. Thus, as the external reality has been demoted as the source of morality, a total change of the foundation of moral philosophy occurred and the rational ethics had to be separated from external objects and had to be inferred only from the internal qualities of the human mind. In Kantian disinterestedness, love is absent, which makes the ethics based on Pure Reason distinct from the traditional Christian morality. Indeed, Kant thought that to have a truly disinterested motive, any striving for good, including love and our desire for pleasure and happiness, as the end of an action must be disqualified as being not moral but as the one which is inevitably interested. Of course, the desire for pleasure, our self-interest, our self-love, and after all our prudence may seem to be related to morality, as these elements of our motivation accompany most actions of man, but for Kant they cannot constitute even slightest motives of the moral act, and instead deprive it of morality. As Kant says that the only possible thing which can be considered unqualifiedly good is a good will, therefore human desires cannot be motives for the pure and auto nomous moral will. Similarly, goodwill remains good only because it is an exposition of Pure Reason, and because it conforms to obligation exclusively for the sake of obligation, forming the only possible mode of a truly moral motivation. There is just one impulse that can lead us to this authentic motivation - reverence of the moral law because such a respect is the only factor that reason lets into moral life.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Strategy - Essay Example In fact the strategic management process is a continuing, integrated process that requires constant consideration. The internal and external factors that impact the working of an organisation are considered during the environmental scanning process. This scrutiny paves the way for strategy formulation. The final step of strategy implementation entails reassessing all aspects since the business environment is really dynamic. This paper discusses the various factors that a strategist needs to consider while implementing a strategy. The paper follows the sequential order of strategic management. It dwells on the Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model and highlights the importance of SWOT Analysis. It refers to the importance of organisational structure in the implementation of strategy. An attempt has been made in the paper to figure out which resources and capabilities are employed in implementing strategy and achieving competitive advantage. 2.0 Five Forces Framework There are five competitive forces in an industry that play a role in shaping strategy. A careful analysis and evaluation of these forces enables a strategist to create a position for the organisation that makes it less vulnerable to attack.  Porter (1979) suggests that the attractiveness and profit potential of the industry depends on threat of new entrants, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of substitute products and intensity of rivalry among existing firms in the industry referred to as jockeying among current contestants.   The quantum of profit that an organisation can eek out will depend on the collective strength of these five forces. A strategist needs to consider these forces, understand how they impact business and chalk out a way to grow business even if some of these forces are not favorable. If, in a particular industry, all these forces are extremely favorable, it will attract many players and, in the ultimate analysis, it would be very difficult to earn profits in this industry. If these forces are collectively weak, it provides an opportunity for a particular firm to provide superior performance and thrive in the industry. A strategist cannot assign equal weight to all these forces. These forces, which determine the ultimate profit potential, impact different industries in varying degrees. In the steel industry, the threat of substitutes plays a key role. For example, the steel industry may jostle with the aluminum industry and the plastic manufacturers to provide raw material to the packaging material industry.    2.1 Political-Legal Forces During the implementation stage, the strategist must consider the ease of entry into a particular industry. The ease or difficulty in entering a particular industry is contingent on the entry barriers prevalent in the industry and the likely reaction from the existing players. The strategist would think twice before venturing into an industry with deeply entrenched players who would be hostile to any new firm attempting to enter the industry.   The barriers to entry may also arise due to the following; economies of scale, product differentiation, capital requirements, cost disadvantages independent of size, access to distribution channels and government policy (Porter, 1979). The government can exert a lot of control over the functioning of organisations. It can, from time to time, frame rules and regulations and provide a regulatory framework within which organisations have to operate.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Policing in Contempoary Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Policing in Contempoary Society - Essay Example The basic reasoning behind having a police force has not changed, bu the methods that at uses and the tools at its disposal have. Thus "policing" in the late Nineteenth Century implied a much greater degree of one-on-one human contact than many police functions today (Holdaway, 1979). The "bobby on the beat", often a member of the community who might be on first name terms with many of its inhabitants has often been replaced by the much more 'efficient' (and yet more isolated) surveillance camera. Modern day policing is essential an attempt to balance conflicting forces of technology versus traditional techniques. An interesting attempt to return to the idea of a very visible police force was the creation of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) early in this century to support the actual police. The PCSO was introduced within the Police Reform Act of 2002 in response to increasing calls for a more approachable and accessible police force. Some confusion has occurred regarding the actual duties and powers of a PCSO, as their role is essentially defined by the Chief Constable of the area they are working within. Thus many PCSOs may detain a person for up to thirty minutes but may not use force to prevent them from escaping. In what precise sense the person is then "under arrest" is thus uncertain (Tameside, 2006). A series of powers that nearly all PCSOs possess include issuing Fixed Penalty Notices for various traffic, littering and animal offenses; the seizure of alcohol from minors and general powers to keep the peace. In many ways they represent an attempt to return to the role previously held by foot-patrol police officers. One reason that such a new position is needed is the increasing numbers of police who are now assigned to serious crime and anti-terrorism activities. In a sense the anti-terrorist activities are an extension of policing into an area normally occupied by the armed forces and various "secret" (and officially non-existent) groups such as MI5 and MI6. Thus the police are being used not only to enforce British laws but to protect the population from attack from both foreign and domestic groups. For example, on 22nd of July 2005 (the day after the London bombings) a Brazilian electrician called Jean Charles de Menezes was shot and killed by police officers while boarding an underground train. He was thought to be a potential suicide bomber. It turned out that he was nothing of the kind. Sir Ian Blair, the head of the Metropolitan Police, stated a few days later that police did indeed have a "shoot-to-kill" policy regarding suspected suicide bombers. He said that the head was the only place that a terrorist could be effectively stopped: There is no point in shooting at someone's chest because that is where the bomb is likely to be. There is no point in shooting anywhere else if they fall down and detonate it. (Blair, 2005) This is a remarkable change from the old ethos of British policing, but one that can be seen to reflect a new situation. Before the existence of the IRA there were few terrorist threats to Britain, and the new threat is greatly different because the people involved with it are quite prepared, and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nternational Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nternational Business Environment - Essay Example Many economists directed their concern towards creating measures that would normalise the situation. This paper is analyses the response of UK government to the economic recession. 1. United Kingdom hosts some of the largest financial institutions in the world. Their role in the world economy is very crucial because many investors across the world have invested their treasures in these banks. The recent economic recession shook the foundation of UK economy with many institutions retrogressing because of the effects of the financial spill. North England and Scotland felt the effects of the recession that was evident through closure of businesses, loss of jobs, increase in commodity prices, government inability to offer crucial services to the nation, and social life became very hard (Boffey, 2012:1). The government could not control the inflation levels because of the debts that it registered through the economic meltdown. The economic meltdown has created tension in the political sph ere because many politicians do not know how to contain citizens who have shown their displeasure with the current trends they observe in the market. Political platform becomes greasy when politicians fail to address issues that affect the common person. Many economic critics believe that the UK government has powers, which can institute normalcy in the market (Gibb, and Leishman, 2011:23). David Cameroon lamented the action taken by the western nations in responding to the biting effects of the financial collapse. Many critics directed their concern to the anticipated events that would yield from the status of events. In deed, the crisis is a real mess to life of a common person. The increase in cases of unemployment is a bigger threat that the government of Scotland feel that it should unemployment index. Sharp decline registered in the financial market indicates that the economy is unable to create new opportunity in the job market. The labour market largely depends on the level of economic growth in creating new opportunities for job seekers (Smit, 2010:12). Many people have lamented that they have to work for long hours in order to meet the needs that they were able to meet with normal working hours before the recession. The concern is genuine because pound has lost value. A person has to cough more coins for a product that was affordable before the inflation. Another notable thing in Scotland is that the nation has registered a decline in investor interests. 2. Economists fear that reverberation of the economic crisis can trigger more problems to United Kingdom when it fails to handle it effectively. Speech delivered by Cameroon pointed acquisition to lack of commitment among the western countries in dealing with the crisis. However, some critics believe that UK government should demonstrate that it could exercise authority by restoring the financial spill (Wan, 2004:146). Ideally, it is wise for United King to handle the situation using the optimum deve lopment of national economies theory put forward by Michael Porter and Adam Smith. Theory argues that a country can promote economic growth if it specialises in creating products that it commands total cost advantage over other competing nations and engage in importation of products that it is unable to produces (Larti, 2010:6). The notion propagated by the theory is that a country should be able to identify areas where it can perform best and use them to its advantage instead of engaging in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Later Adulthood Essay Example for Free

Later Adulthood Essay Aging in our society can be a very stressful time regarding our elderly. They are going through tremendous changes not only physically, emotionally, but also socially. It is in our best interest to help them make the proper adjustments during what can be a difficult time for some. Retirement is not always the best thing for our senior citizens. It can be a trying time as they no longer feel useful. We need to insure they remain productive by maintaining relationships with friends and family, volunteering, finding a hobby, and most important maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Because our society is so obsessed with youth, many of our senior citizens feel left out. In Japan, they treat their elders with the utmost respect. (Maslow, Kirst 2010). It is our turn to treat our senior citizens with the same respect instead of shunning them from society. At times their living accommodations are not suitable and the amount of healthcare they may need can cause stress in their lives. Their relationships with their spouses, children, friends, and coworkers change dramatically. It can be a difficult transition and is up to us to make sure they can ease into later adulthood with positive attitudes and a foundation of hope for their future. In their later adulthood years, the elderly experience changes in their roles and social position. Upon retirement, many aging individuals may withdraw from their social network circle. This may happen when the individual is not ready to retire and resents being forced to retire. They begin to feel unwanted and feel they no longer have anything in common with their friends. Our society does not incorporate the elderly desires of remaining productive which may cause them to disengage in socializing with their peers. Their social status changes from teacher, pharmacist, and store manager to perhaps a regular Joe in the neighborhood. This can impact their mentality and their ability to maintain a positive attitude during retirement. One of the best ways for the elderly to continue to feel worthy during their later years is perhaps volunteering and influencing our youth with their knowledge and wisdom. Determining the best suited living accommodations for the elderly can be a daunting task for their loved ones. Many elderly are determined to stay in their homes living independently and if they are not ill than that option may work for them. There are many  factors that determine if they can stay in their home. Do they have transportation? Are they close to stores and medical care? If their loved one has health issues and requires medical attention around the clock than a nursing home would be their best option. Another option would be a retirement community, senior apartments or senior homes. Trying to find the best living accommodation for the elderly to spend their days living productive lives is very important. They also need access to affordable healthcare. Many elderly are plagued with health issues and cannot afford prescriptions or doctor visits. They do benefit from senior citizen discounts but it is not enough to cover all their medical expenses. Our society needs to find a better solution in terms of our aging population and health care needs. Kim Moen stated† On the one hand, the retirement experience may promote a sense of well-being, as workers move out of demanding and/or stressful career jobs. On the other hand, the retirement passage itself may lead to diminished well-being, as individuals lose their occupational attachments, their social network of coworkers, and a major anchor for their identities.† (Headnote, para 2). Regarding our aging population, the most difficult time for them can be transitioning from working all their life to retirement. Our society has stressed the importance of youth and our elderly start to feel useless. Going into to retirement can cause more burdens on the elderly. By living on a fixed income and not being able to spend on eating out, movies, or even vacationing can takes its toll on the elderly. They can become depressed, which can then lead to suicidal thoughts. Another factor of going into retirement is the elderly may lose contact with coworkers since they no longer have work to discuss, they start to avoid contact with friends. Many elderly couples may not get along during retirement, they are not accustomed to being around their loved ones all day and this can cause problems in their marriage. Our society needs to encourage our elderly to remain productive after retirement so they can feel needed and participate in volunteer programs offered in their communities. If they are able to work and can continue to contribute to society, it will be a positive situation for everyone including our economy. There are many factors that can contribute to our elderly populations marital, family and peer relationships. During retirement, an elderly couple may experience more  marital strife as they are attempting to get used to being home all day. Their health also plays a part on their marital relationship. If one partner is ill, than the other partner has to care for the ill partner and this will cause stress. As couples, our elderly may not have the bond the once had at a younger age. They need to maintain a close relationship and focus on their positive aspects of their relationship. Regarding their own children, some elderly attempt to withdraw and not maintain close relationships with their children or grandchildren. Some will engage more and try to interfere in raising their grandchildren, which will cause problems with their own children. In their peer relationships, they may withdraw also. It does depend on the individual and their circumstances on how they handle the important relationships in their lives. Bookwala and Franks (2005) found that having a successful marriage will enhance the physical wellbeing of elderly couples as they progress into their golden years. There are many social policies impacting our aging population. Many of these social policies were designed to assist our elderly during their retirement years. â€Å"One out of ten older people live in poverty.† (Zastrow Kirst-Ashman, 2010, para. Financial Problems of Older People). This information demonstrates the dire situation our elderly are experiencing. How are they able to make ends meet if they have no savings and living entirely on Social Security benefits? Another factor is the cost of healthcare that many aging individuals have to deal with. If they are in poor health and are in need of constant doctor supervision and medicine, they are relying on the governments Medicaid program and at times this can cause added stress in their lives. If their health is deteriorating, it makes sense that we need to implement new strategies to assist the elderly with aging. We should also encourage them to work if they are physically fit and able instead of discriminating against them based on their age. Our focus should be campaigning for them to engage in exercise, eating healthy and maintaining an active lifestyle throughout their lives to delay the effects of aging. In order for our elderly to continue progressing in later adulthood, our society needs to change our way thinking. We should encourage elderly people to work and be productive. A national campaign for our elders should address the benefits of physical fitness, eating right, and  maintaining close relationships with their loved ones. We should make them feel wanted and treat them with the utmost respect. They have lived life, have wisdom and experience to share with everyone. By incorporating those into volunteer programs will also be highly beneficial for everyone involved. Making sure they are happy and living in acceptable conditions should also be our concern. Now is the time, to turn the tables around and ensure that we are doing our best to take care for our aging population. Works Cited Bookwala, J., Franks, M.M. (2005). Moderating role of marital quality in older adults depressed affect: Beyond the main-effects model. The Journal of Gerontology, 60B (6), p.338-p.341. Kim, J.E., Moen, P. (2002). Retirement transitions, gender, and psychological well-being: a life course, ecological model. The Journal of Gerontology, 57B (3), p.212-p.222. Zastrow, C. H., Kirst-Ashman, K.K. (2010). Understanding Human Behavior the Social Environment (8th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database

Reply to Post of Jennifer Schaefer Essay Example for Free

Reply to Post of Jennifer Schaefer Essay The outline set by the learner for the conduct and content of the initial interview is very traditional and methodological. It starts out with the gathering of relevant information, analyzing the data and then formulating solutions to the problems of the clients. This method is the commonly used approach in the world of therapy because it has been proven effective and easy to use by many therapists. For the first part of the outline, I think that the learner is very formal. This may make the client feel that he or she is being examined by a professional which is not helpful in forging a relationship with the client. This stage is very important because it empowers and enables the client to disclose all his or her experiences that will lead the therapist to find or provide solutions to the client’s problems. In the end, this formal or rigid approach can impede the progress of the counseling session. Reply to Post of Michele Moran The outline drafted by the learner tackles the issues of the client from recent to old. The problem that I see with this kind of approach in conducting an initial interview is that it seems very invasive to the client. At the beginning of the interview, the therapist or counselor would immediately ask for personal information about the client. Then, the client will be bombarded with questions or insinuations regarding his or her problem. I think these stages are essential but a rapport first must be established between the client and the therapist. Through this, the client can feel the he or she is not just talking to a professional who is doing his job but more of a friend or confidant who is willing to help and concerned about the welfare and development of the client.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Chromium and Selenium Concentration in Cancer

Chromium and Selenium Concentration in Cancer The ratio between chromium and selenium concentration among various age groups of cancer group has also been studied and it shown in table 5.48, and it has been observed that all groups of cancer patients present somewhat similar ratio of chromium and selenium concentration in their blood. Moreover, the concentration balance of chromium and selenium has conspicuously been disturbed as it illustrated in table 5.49. For instance, the breast cancer mortalities in various countries were studied and ascertained a direct correlation with the estimated dietary intake of zinc, chromium and cadmium and inversely proportional to the concentration of selenium (238). The summary of stage wise distribution for chromium and selenium has been illustrated in Table 5.50 and it observed that all four stages of cancer patients present a sort of consistency in chromium and selenium proportion in the blood of cancer patients as shown in Table 5.51. In view of this fact, it may be elucidated that the demarcation among various stages of cancer is arbitrary division and this periphery does not present any association of stages with the distribution-ratio of chromium and selenium in the blood of cancer patients. However, the reduction of 0.064 Â µg ml-1 of selenium concentration in the blood of cancer patients corresponds to more than 52 % decrease as compared to the selenium level in the blood of control group. These variations in concentration may be the result of the disease of cancer however the type of cancer does not influence the levels of selenium in the blood of cancer patients. However, the significant decrease in selenium concentration in whole blood and plasma has been observed in another study where the tannery workers were exposed to chromium compounds and have shown a considerably lower selenium concentration in their blood and they excreted lower amount of selenium in their urine as compared to the worker those were not exposed to the chromium. It may confirm the point of view that chromium and selenium have some kind of interaction and biological selenides are formed with chromium and in due course of time they accumulate in some organs. It was also demonstrated that the tannery workers who were exposed to air with high concentrations of chromium compounds at their workplace exhibited significantly higher erythrocyte and plasma GSH-Px activity than workers of other departments (239). Therefore, higher level of selenium stipulates the main function of selenium is to induce and maintain the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which prevents cellular damage by catabolizing organic peroxides (240) The enzyme, SeGSH-Px, catalyzes the oxidation-reduction reaction between reduced glutathione and peroxide. Therefore, the pathological lesions lured with selenium deficiency are considered to be caused by peroxidative damage that is the product of depressed SeGSH-Px activity (241-242). However, once chromium absorbed and retained in biological tissue chromium compounds occur as chromium (III). Glutathione and cysteine seem to be the most important cofactors for the intracellular reduction of chromium (VI) (243). The absorption of metal in the human body is a complex process and depends on various factors including dietary components. About 40% of ingested metal is absorbed in the small intestine (244). Furthermore, a variety of neurodegnerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Creutzfeldt-Jakob, and neuronal damage caused by stroke and ischemia may be associated with pathological disruption of metal trafficking (245-247). Chromium is potentially toxic and carcinogenic at higher doses. All chromates that exhibit oxidation state (VI) can aggressively enter the cell through channels that are specified for the transfer of isoelectric and isostructural anions, such as SO4-2 and PO4-2. However, the insoluble chromates are engrossed by cells through phagocytosis. As soon as the chromates get inside the cell they are competent enough to generate free radicals immediately. Yet, in the presence of cellular reductants the chromium inside the cell can cause a broad series of DNA lesions such as DNA- protein crosslink, Cr-DNA adducts, DNA-DNA cross links, and oxidative damages. The glutathione quickly reacts with chromium (VI) and forms a complex and generate chromium (V) and chromium (III) through slow reduction of chromium (VI) inside the cell. The chromium (V) and chromium (III) species exhibit the tendency to alter the DNA conformation. The reduction of chromium (VI) can be commenced through GSH, or in the pre sence of other reducing agents. The chromium (V) and chromium (III) can react with H2O2 through Fenton reaction and produce hydroxyl radical (OH) that has the potential to damage DNA. There are evidents that interacellular reduction of chromium (VI) results in extensive formation of Cr-DNA adducts, among which chromium (III) – mediated DNA cross-link of glutathione, cysteine, histidine and ascorbate represent an important group of DNA modifications. Therefore, Cr- DNA adducts are responsible for both the mutagenicity and genotoxicity of chromium. The chromium (VI) is considered as carcinogen for lungs cancer for human (248). Numerous epidemiological studies have been performed for more than 100 years on workers exposed to chromium in order to determine its level of carcinogenicity. Altogether, these studies indicate that exposed individuals have approximately 2- 80 fold increased relative risk of developing lungs cancer (226). On the other hand, an inverse association between serum selenium level and cancer risk is biologically possible. The results of the study indicated that the treatment with selenium improved GPx levels. GPx detoxifies H2O2by reducing it to water. It also protects cytosolic organelles from oxidative damage by preventing lipid peroxidation. Selenium could reduce oxidative stress through antioxidant selenoproteins such as glutathione peroxidase, selenoprotein P, and thioredoxin reductase. (249-250). There are numerous promising possibilities that may be presented as an account for the observed variations for selenium in whole blood levels associated with malignant disease, as compared to healthy and control group (251). It includes chemotherapeutic-induce necrosis, which could release selenium from tissues into the circulation, preferential sequestration by tumor cells (252-253) and alteration of properties of proteins, especially enzymes, at elevated concentration of selenium in tissues (254-255). Furthermore, the possibility of depression in activities of specific enzymes with loss of vital enzyme activity, and impaired tissue function resulting from a selenium-deficient state (256). The depletion of selenium in the blood of cancer patients may suggest its reciprocal accumulation in the malignant tissues in view of the studies (257-261) who have reported higher concentration of selenium in the cancerous and neighboring tissues cells. Availability of excessive selenium in the cancerous cells may be expected to facilitate the synthesis of selenoproteins e.g. Trx, TrxR etc. which are known to provide protection to the tissue cells against the oxidative stress, carcinogens, and help to reduce cancerous cell growth. The results of recent studies (262-264) regarding the diversified multiple functions of selenoproteins has generated tremendous interest in the understanding and elucidation of mechanisms that triggers the role of these proteins from anti-apoptosis in the normal cells to pro-apoptosis in malignant cells. There are numerous studies (265-267), who have proposed different mechanisms to explain the inhibiting effect of selenium on malignant neoplasm; for examp le modulation of cellular division rate, decrease in formation of carcinogenic metabolites or cellular protection by an antioxidant system. It is generally believed that due to the anti oxidative characteristics of selenoproteins, these proteins can protect the cells and DNA from oxidative damage; in addition, these proteins can react with carcinogens directly to save cells and DNA from their lethal actions. It has been suggested (263), that nitrative inactivation of Trx plays a proapoptotic role if the reactive nitrogen species are increased; and antinitrating treatment may have therapeutic value in those diseases, such as myocardial ischemia/ reperfusion, in which pathological apoptosis is increased. The situation is reversed in malignant tissue cells where apoptosis is beneficial for the inhibition of the cell growth. Therefore, in view of the aforementioned studies, it is possible that the pathological conditions in which production of nitrogen species is increased that may favo r the inactivation of Trx and therefore enhance the apoptotic role of this selenoprotein. A kinetic study of the reaction of NO and O2 in aqueous solutions, based on pH indicator, has been performed by using stopped-flow spectrometry. The results of these studies have shown that at physiological concentrations of O2 and NO, the auto- oxidation of NO does not limit its diffusion from the site of production in endothelial cells to a spatially removed target molecule such as guanylate cyclase in myocytes and platelets. A Trx interacting protein Txnip has been reported (31), which inhibit the antiapoptotic activity of Trx where as NO suppresses the expression of Trxnip and enhances the Trx activity, therefore perhaps the oxidative character of Trx in malignant cells as reported in the above mentioned studies may well be interpreted as the inhibition of its antioxidant activity. In different studies (267-268) it has been suggested on the basis of their results that selenite induces apopt osis by producing superoxide ions which activate p53, a well known protein involved in carcinogenesis, which in turn support apoptosis. A key role has been assigned (269), to Trx-2, located in mitochondria, in interaction with electron transport chain, determining tumor necrosis ROS generation, NF- kB activation and apoptosis. Intestines are the main sits where selenium absorption is measured at maximum. In liver selenium joins many other amino acids and generate selenocysteine and selenoproteins. Selenoproteins consist of active form of selenium and are transferred to all over the body. Kidney and liver, however, have higher concentration of selenoproteins. It is reported that a small quantity of selenoproteins are also exist in blood and serum. Furthermore, being a part of selenoproteins the selenium is an essential part of glutathione peroxidae as well that is the reason selenium is believed to be an antioxidant (36). Glutathione plays a role of a protector in the body of an organism and ensnare the balance of free radicals, peroxides and preserves the redox status of the cell (270). In addition, glutathione perxidase provides defense mechanism against free radicals that may cause destruction of cell membrane. The free radicals are generated when hydrogen peroxide produced in the mitochondria of the cell during the regular metabolism. The stress is a foremost cause of excessive production of hydrogen peroxide that sequentially create a disproportion in free radicals inside the cells. Chemical structure of cell membrane comes under the attack of free radicals and gives away their loosely bounded electrons to the free radicals. Consequently, a chemical structure of cell membrane turns into a reactive entity and begins to instigate an electron from adjacent structure and this chain reaction serves to damage the cell membrane causing the cell to die. Proactive role as a safeguard of glutathione peroxidase quickly transform hydrogen peroxide into water a way before it could generate harmful reactive species called free radicals. Another study highlights defense mechanism of vitamin E in which glutathione peroxidase and vitamin E follow a similar pathway in order to discontinue the chain reaction by engaging the free radicals within the cell membrane. Therefore, it is an effective combination of selenium and vitamin E that can control the production of free radicals and prevent the damage of cell membranes as well as DNA and other cellular structures (270).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparison and Contrasting Between 3 poems: - The Flea (John Donne), Es

Comparison and Contrasting Between 3 poems: - The Flea (John Donne), Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day (William Shakespeare), and Jenny Kissed Me (James Leigh Hunt) These three love poems or sonnets were all written pre 1914 but by very different writers. The authors of these poems use different styles of writing love poetry. For instance, John Donny is very clever. His poem, 'The Flea' brings out an angle of smart sayings to get people to have sex. William Shakespeare focuses more on actually love, while James Leigh Hunt focuses primarily on a blunt approach. Two of these three poems are very short, merely one verse if you can call them that. 'Jenny Kissed Me' by James Leigh Hunt rhymes creating a quicker tempo and bringing a real life experience to the readers mind. It brings over the fact that someone is infatuated with another. Someone 'stole' Jenny's love in this poem. ''Time, you thief, who love to get' indicates that someone picked their time to steal her love. However, much like Shakespeare's 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day', this poem is about love, and not infatuation. It shows that the love has stayed through the course of time. William Shakespeare's 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day' is a very popular sonnet. It is about love, very much unlike John Donne's the flea, which is merely about sex. It is easy to see the love shown in this sonnet by a variety of quotes. 'Though art more lovely and more temperate', 'Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines', 'Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest', and 'So long as men can breathe or eyes can see'. Almost every other line there is a reference to the beauty of the subject of this poem. 'Shall I compare thee to a summers d... ...onne's 'The Flea' is about someone trying to seduce a woman to have sex with him before marriage, while William Shakespeare's 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day' is more about how love can be good, but can also hurt. A complete contrast to both is James Leigh Hunt's 'Jenny Kissed Me', which has a theme about someone being loved once, and clinging on to that memory, which could be for a few reasons. The actual dates of the poems reflect something about them. For instance, both Donne's 'The Flea', and Shakespeare's 'Shall I compare thee to a summers day' were written around the same time and culture, however, 'Jenny Kissed Me' by James Leigh Hunt was written about a hundred years afterward, this may reflect the dramatic change in styles of writing, just like the old English of the past and the contemporary writing styles have a remarkable difference.

Friday, July 19, 2019

William Shakespeares Othello and The Tragic Hero :: William Shakespeare Othello Hero Essays

William Shakespeare's Othello and The Tragic Hero   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If one reads Shakespeare's Othello, they can come to the conclusion that it might be one of the his most tragic plays ever written by Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet, is probably the most famous of his tragic plays, but Othello, has characteristics that, I think make it even more tragic than his other plays, and therefore for that reason, you can say that Othello is the most tragic hero.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Othello is a noble man, one who has grace with the ladies but also possesses all the virtues of a military leader that he is. He is a general that is experienced in battle. He has shown that he is reliable and well known in the military and is well respected. His valiant personality, is what draws people to him, as it does for Desdemona. The senators value him and hear what he says when he speaks. This is shown here by one of the senators. "Here comes Barbantio and the valiant Moor", (Act I scene 3, 47) . This is an example of the many comments which shows Othello's character and personality as a person and an officer. They say he is one of the great leaders.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not only does he posses great character and courage, but also dignity. He keeps his control even when he is being accused of witchcraft during the first encounter with the senators when Desdemona's father confronts him about see his daughter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "Most potent, grave, and reverend signors,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My very noble and approved good masters;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That I have ta'en away this old man's daughter,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is most true; true I have married her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The very head and front of my offending   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hath the extent, no more. Rude I am in my speech,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace;" (I, iii, 91)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is an example of how Othello deals with style and grace under fire, when he is accused of witch craft, by marrying Desdemona. He neither, yells or screams, but explains in a manner that captivates his audience, and draws them in to listen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A major sign that Othello shows his rage and jealousy occurs in Act III, scene 3, when Iago is talking with Othello and tells him that Desdemona is a whore. Othello's breakdown, almost to choke Iago, simply asks Iago   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "Villain, be sure thou prove my love a whore, Be sure if it. Give me the ocular proof. Or by the worth of mine eternal soul, thou hadst been better have been born a dog. Than answer my waked wrath." (Act III, scene 3) This a point in the play where Iago starts unveil his malicious plan.

Sexual Harassment Essay -- Social Issues Violence Crime Essays

Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment. Men and women explain in differently. When 1200 men and women were asked if they would consider sexual proposition flattering 68% of men said they would, and only 17% of the women agreed. At the same time 63% of women would be insulted by it and only 15% of men. The major question today is: What should be considered sexual assault? Many people believe that the seriousness of it is evident, however there are some that disagree, they disagree of what sexual harassment is. What is sexual harassment? –Unwelcome sexual behavior, but another may not unwelcome what is unwelcome by one. People have been arguing on what should be considered sexual harassment and finely came up with a definition for it. Its requests for sexual favors, suggestive looks, and sexual remarks, deliberate touching, pressure for dates, letters and calls, actual or attempted rape (Verbal and physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment). A lot of people feel that categorizing everything from rape to â€Å"looks† as unwelcome sexual behavior makes all of as victims. Should it always be considered an illegal harassment, when a man makes an obscene comment to a woman on the street, when behavior which one woman takes as harassment, could be seen by another as a non-threatening joke. Many believe that legal definition of sexual harassment threatens the freedom of speech; one man’s vulgarity is another mans lyric, and many of the cases are simp... ... to believe it is acceptable to abuse and harass female. To reduce unwelcome sexual behavior men must reexamine their attitudes towards it. We have to establish strong, clear sexual harassment policies in the work places where the majority are men. Women must report all incidents out of fear that their lives and careers would be harmed. Now days law covers any remark or behavior that a â€Å" reasonable women† would find to be threatening. Is that enough? Does it really protect women? Some say yes, and some say no, but as sexual harassment continuous to happened in our society something has to be done. Bibliography. Violent relationships. Texas: Information plus, 1999. Wekeseer c. and Swisher K. Sexual harassment. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1992. Black, Beryl. Coping with sexual harassment. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, INK. , 1996. Sexual Harassment Essay -- Social Issues Violence Crime Essays Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment. Men and women explain in differently. When 1200 men and women were asked if they would consider sexual proposition flattering 68% of men said they would, and only 17% of the women agreed. At the same time 63% of women would be insulted by it and only 15% of men. The major question today is: What should be considered sexual assault? Many people believe that the seriousness of it is evident, however there are some that disagree, they disagree of what sexual harassment is. What is sexual harassment? –Unwelcome sexual behavior, but another may not unwelcome what is unwelcome by one. People have been arguing on what should be considered sexual harassment and finely came up with a definition for it. Its requests for sexual favors, suggestive looks, and sexual remarks, deliberate touching, pressure for dates, letters and calls, actual or attempted rape (Verbal and physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment). A lot of people feel that categorizing everything from rape to â€Å"looks† as unwelcome sexual behavior makes all of as victims. Should it always be considered an illegal harassment, when a man makes an obscene comment to a woman on the street, when behavior which one woman takes as harassment, could be seen by another as a non-threatening joke. Many believe that legal definition of sexual harassment threatens the freedom of speech; one man’s vulgarity is another mans lyric, and many of the cases are simp... ... to believe it is acceptable to abuse and harass female. To reduce unwelcome sexual behavior men must reexamine their attitudes towards it. We have to establish strong, clear sexual harassment policies in the work places where the majority are men. Women must report all incidents out of fear that their lives and careers would be harmed. Now days law covers any remark or behavior that a â€Å" reasonable women† would find to be threatening. Is that enough? Does it really protect women? Some say yes, and some say no, but as sexual harassment continuous to happened in our society something has to be done. Bibliography. Violent relationships. Texas: Information plus, 1999. Wekeseer c. and Swisher K. Sexual harassment. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1992. Black, Beryl. Coping with sexual harassment. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, INK. , 1996.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Development of Children and Young People Between Birth to 19 Essay

From six months onwards a child learns to sit up using support until they can manage without any support and eventually learning to crawl or shuffling on their bottoms. They are able to rollover from their tummies on to their backs and vice versa. They start to hold on to furniture learning how to walk along or by using the aid of a baby walker, up until they gain the confidence to walk alone. Their hand and eye coordination improves as they learn to pass an object from one hand to another, and begin to show preference for one hand. They learn to play with bricks. Firstly banging them together to being able to build towers, eventually building larger towers. By the age of two children will have learnt how to sit, walk, feed themselves and they will have moved from eating soft mashed food to eating solids, as sign of their teeth will be clearly visible. They will have learnt to kick and throw a ball. They will be able to grasp a pencil to make scribble on paper. From three to seven a child is more independent. Learning how to jump, climb, catch and walk up and down stairs confidently. They learn to pedal and eventually ride a bike without support. Using their fine motor skills to hold and use a pair of scissors, able to gain control of a pencil. Increasing in their writing skill. Can also fasten and undo buttons and shoe laces. From the age seven to twelve years a child will progress in running, jumping skipping and enjoying playing games as a team, even though they may misjudge their ability until the age of nine. Between twelve and nineteen a child goes from childhood into adulthood. This is referred to the adolescences stage. This starts from the age of 11 up until the age of 19 or 20. It’s the stage that teenagers learn to detach from their parents and become more independent. Every child rate of growth is different. Boys normally begin adolescence around the age of 14 year, which is later than girls, even though by the end they are usually bigger than girls. They will develop body hair as their body shape changes, their muscles begin to grow, increasing their strength. Their voice will change and become deeper. In the early stages to mid stages of puberty testicles and scrotum will begin to grow. Penis growth starts later but continues for longer. Girl’s breasts start to swell from around the age of 10. They will also develop hair in the pubic region that will become dark and curly. Their body shape will change. Some girls may be physically mature by the age of 13. This is dependent on the age at which she begins puberty, which varies, ranging from 8 until late teens. The average age for girls of menstruation is around 13. Social and emotional development. From birth to about one year old a child mainly communicates through facial expressions such as smiling at familiar faces. A child of this is very dependant and requires comfort from an adult. They recognise familiar faces and get distressed when separated from a parent. They enjoy interacting and playing games such as peek-a-boo and they gradually develop a sense of identity and want to do things for them self. They easily get jealous when attention is not given to them and try to please adults. Temper tantrums start when not being given what they want or not wanting to share toys. From three to four years a child is more self-motivated and is able to cope with unfamiliar settings and adults. They know how to share, becoming considerate and caring of other feelings. They enjoy playing with other children. Between four and seven a child is able to make friends but still finds it difficult to take turns and needs help resolving problems. By this age a child should have a stable environment and routine, they need to have limits set. By the age of seven a child becomes less dependant. Starting to enjoy playing with other children. They become aware of their gender and develop understanding between right and wrong. By the age of eight they develop a close friendship and enjoy playing with the same sex. By twelve they can start to show arrogance and bossiness and are uncertain sometimes. By the time a child reaches the teenage years they are very self-conscious. As their body shape is changing and odours make occur, acne may develop due to oily skin. They begin to follow peer groups in the way they dress having labelled clothing, collecting the same things playing the same games. They turn to their friend and not to their parents for approval. They begin to question certain aspects of life such as parental and community values and beliefs. Intellectual development A child between the ages of birth to three is more confident but still needs an adults support. They enjoy copying others and trying out different ways of behaviour in play. They realise that others are spate people from themselves. From three to four a child learns to understand two or three simple tasks that they are given to do such as pick up the toys put them in back in the box and put the box where it belongs. They begin to realise the difference between objects, size and type and are able to group these together. From five to seven they learn to understand that there is differences and sameness in various aspects in life and that differences can co exist side by side and are able look at things from different perspectives. By the age of seven, children are able to read to themselves and will take a lively interest in certain subject by the age of nine. During the adolescence stage the mind is maturing as young people begin to develop a sense of responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions. They begin to plan about their future and what line of work they want to be in? If they want to get married and have children? They gain the ability to make a link between different pieces of knowledge and the ability to make links of these with the world from their perspective. This stage depends on the guidance given to young people in respects to helping the brain. A young person learns to take the responsibility for his or her own fiances, accommodation, employment and personal realationshops. This reaches completion as the responsibility from parent transfers to the young person. Language development From the early stages in life a child is able to make a lot different sounds. They begin to babble. Laughing and squealing when they are happy and cry to show emotion. They respond to music and sounds. Trying to imitate a parents face especially the mouth. Between one and two years a child learns to use single words to joining them up to make phrases. They begin to understand parents and try and copy them. By the age of two a child’s vocabulary can be anything from 30 to 150 words. By the time they are three a child can use words to form a sentence and begin to ask questions. They are able to memorise rhymes and songs and are able to join in and are able to scribble on paper. From three to four a child starts to use past tense and is able to use a different pitch or tone of voice. Their vocabulary extends between 1000 to 1500 word. From five upwards their questions become more complex as they use language to communicate their ideas. The pencil control improves. As they copy shapes and letters. By the age of seven they are able to speak fluently and make up stories. They begin to understand letters and link them to sounds. A child of twelve years is able to describe complicated scenarios. They need help in tackling complex spellings and learning the different tense of grammar. They are able read out aloud. From twelve on to nineteen years a young person begins to use sarcasm, joking and mockery as it is new and sophisticated language for them. They are maturing and enjoy using their thought to debate whether it is formal or informal.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Caribbean studies IA Essay

For much too vast Trinidad has been a home to app every(prenominal)ing arrive at rates, coterie violence and hole illicit medicate and weapon trading. These un righteousnessful activities were starting to bear off a toll on the rustics economy, international reputation and law abiding citizens. During mid August 2011, the county wooly-minded s regular persons in the space of 24 hours to murder, driving the murder toll to 263.These allegedly hoop related homicides persuaded flush subgenus Pastor Kamla Persad- Bissessar to declare a limited farming of indispensability in the nation with an serial curfew of 9pm 5am in designated hot spots for xv sidereal days on the 21st August, 2011.The dry land of touch was further broad until fifth celestial latitude, 2011. The recent defer of catch in Trinidad (August 21st 2011- fifth celestial latitude 2011) was chosen in relevance to Caribbean Studies be display case it was one of the to a greater extent or little recent up to nowts that had a serious meeting on the lives of the citizens. The financial and pagan inconveniences face by my family during this submit of need persuaded me to field of operation this payoff.The tec is d throw feather the stairs the opinion that the put in of apprehension was the g everywherenments rapidly fix for the offensive military action situation which had no long depot outlay to the country. It is fascinate that as soon as the curfew was lifted, nefarious activities continue whilst the body politic of catch continued. This implied that the heathen and financial inconveniences associated with the area of hand brake had no appraise if offensive performance were to continue as normal prior to the landed e assign of hand brake. The single-valued function of this study is to access the practicality of read of nip brake 2011 to the citizens of Trinidad and the vile future(a) of the county. This study conducted locally is an attempt to compare the experiences and views of a down(p) cross- section of local chore linemen and women with what is report by scotch experts and giving medication officials in the local reports.Educational ValueFor this study, the tec hopes to raise awareness on the set up of body politic of emergencies on the familiar overt and to help early(a)wisewise(a)wisewises to critically assess separate finalitys make by their judicature and shape whether or non they are catch up withing to them on an person and societal basis. Theseevaluations would elucidate for a better educated, developed society. Also, the interrogationer hopes this study would be helpful to future students conducting query on a identical topic.Problem secernatementWas the submit of apprehension 21st August, 2011- fifth December, 2011 in effect(p) to the citizens of Trinidad? query Questions(1)How did the acres of necessity come to on the finish of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago? (2)H ow did the press out of matter of parking brake relate on the down(p) local jobes of Trinidad and Tobago? (3) How prospered was the responsibility of catch in its apparent movements to burst down on discourtesy?DelimitationsThe questionnaires were granted only to persons who owned downcast logical argument empyrean concernes in parliamentary law to inquiry the concern of the carry of extremity 2011 (August 21st- December fifth, 2011) on shrimpy air organizationes as closely as culture and crime. Also, for the purpose of investigating at the warm effect of the aver of collar on crime, criminal statistics from February 2011 and February 2012 were compared.Definition of TermsIllegal- veto by law. Narcotics- each of a family of substances that blunt the senses. Culture- the ways of mannersspan of a commonwealth within a society. Homicide- the cleanup position of a human being by a nonher.Legislation- Law enacted by a legislative body act as- A for mal decision, law, or the like, by a legislature, ruler, court, or early(a) authority. Curfew- an order establishing a special(prenominal) cartridge holder in the evening subsequently which specific regulations apply, especially that no civilians or other specified group of unauthorized persons whitethorn be outdoors or that spaces of familiar assembly must be closed. Economy- the worry of the resources of a country.Ammunition- the material fired, scattered, dropped, or de noned from any weapon. Tribunal- court of justice. State of sine qua non- a political declaration that whitethorn suspend nearly normal functions of the exe sawn-offive, legislative and judicial powers, bouncy citizens to change their normal behaviours, or order government agencies to implement hand brake planning plans. Government- the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and rural areas direction of the affairs of a posit, communityLITERATURE REVIEWThe raise of requisite 2011 (August 21st- December 5th 2011) was a decision made by the government to halt the spike in gang activity and crime in habitual in the shortest time possible. However, continuous complaints of unbroken citizens led investigators to believe that the advance of need had no noneworthy effect on crime whilst disrupting the natural flow of flyspeck communication channeles and persons everyday lives. At first the produce of soupcon had astonishing tops, where on September 5th 2011 a reported 1, 356 alleged criminals had been detained, 33 guns and much than than 1,700 rounds of ammunition were seized. Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessar tell the state of indispensability a achievement and opted to extend the event until December 5th 2011.However, no detainees had but been brought before the three-member court established by the Chief justness Ivor Archie to review their consequences (Richards, P. ( 2011, September 5th) Trinidad State of indispensableness in much ways than one. world-wide Issues. http// By 5th December, 2011 a union of 8,118 alleged criminals were arrested, 400 of which were under the Anti- crime syndicate regulations. Since then, all the men arrested under that Anti-Gang human action were freed. During the state of pinch 45 homicides had been recorded, 15 of which travel byred aft(prenominal) the lifting of the curfew. (Alli, J. (2011, December 5th) State of tinge Ends. C. News.http// To date, the TTPS (Trinidad and Tobago practice of law force return) boasts that the state of soupcon has earmarked them to insert crucial intelligence. (Alli, J, 2011, December 5th). match to the Police serve well serious-minded Crime Statistics, the murder rate has seen a slight little(prenominal)(prenominal)ening from 72 murders in February 2011 to 67 murders in February 2012 whilst there has been eve n greater achievement in the narcotics trade with only 56 cases being reported by February 2012 compared to the 69 cases by February 2011.However, the state of compulsion seems to establish had no effect on little crimes such(prenominal)(prenominal) as robberies which pitch change magnitude by 11% since 2011. (Bhagan, K. (2012) Policed Service sincere Crime Statistics. Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago http// The state of taking into custody also brought with it some short- bound and long marches consequences for local dutyes with its impose curfew detrimentally wedgeing the pleasure industry. According to economic expert Indera Sagewan- Alli the extended curfew would . damage economic harvest-feast and the countrys prospects for growth this year. It pass on bite into small stage businesses, restaurants, nightclubs, occurrenceories and even hurt Christmas gross revenueShe went on to offer that once a country is under state of taking into custody, that in itself is a disincentive to foreign investors who give non be inclined to choose Trinidad until the state of speck is lifted and local investors forget keep company the trend. During the state of essential, business in the dish up industry had mat a crucial bite in their revenues, restaurants and nightclubs for example broken approximately 90% of their revenue. The negatively charged dazes on the service industry were to be in general blamed on the curfew with the state of collar and once the curfew was lifted, businesses were given a receive to revive themselves. (Bridglal, C. (2011, September 6th) State of Emergency Damaging to the Economy.Trinidad posit Newspapers http// On the other hand, according to the Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ewart Williams . If the state of compulsion succeeds in heartyly cut the rule of crime then, it should, in the long term, help the business cl imate. That is what we are hoping for The abundant issue is the extent to which the cost you pay is compensated by the benefits that you get down the road and it is only time lead tell authority investors will exact a wait and see advance on the way forward for business with this country. (Bridglal, C.)The state of compulsions advantage with demands to the local businesses fecal matternot yet be find until a substantial decline in crime is seen, in the mean magic spell local businesses especially those involved in night manners are whitewash recovering from the mass loss in revenue during the event. A study ruffle in the everyday lives of the citizens also attended the state of tinge. This interference moreover was to be totally blamed on the curfew which had some(prenominal)(prenominal) validating and negative effectuate. According to Prime Minister Kamla Persad- Bissessars state of sine qua non address the curfew would catch had a substantiating effect in promoting family life and in the future, remove families touch safer in their own homes. This promotion in family life skill scram had an impact on the value systems of the people, in turn changing their habits and thus, changing the culture of the people for the better. (Alli, J. (2011, August 21st) breakout news State of emergency declared.Trinidad Express Newspapers. http// The state of emergency in Trinidad only lasted for 104 days and so would not baffle had a long-lived impact on the pagan celebrations of the people such as Divali and Eid- Ul- Fitr. The present study is primed(p) within this body of both Caribbean and global entropy and presents survey selective tuition on the impacts of the state of emergency on an individual basis to the citizens of Trinidad. It adds to the growing body of work on the success of the state of emergency 2011 (August 21st- December 5th, 2011), as few studies open yet been underinterpreted specifically on this topic. darn survey data provides only a snapshot, this study could be extended by seekers in the future to happen more in- depth perspectives.The quantitative data acquired from the total of twenty five respondents ascertain the adept and non- estimable do matte up by the citizens of Trinidad during the recent state of emergency 21st August- 5th December 2011. According to intent 1.0 a high region of the respondents (70%) stated that the state of emergency moved(p) their cultural celebrations whilst only 30% of the interviewed verbalize that the state of emergency had no impact on their cultural celebrations. The common cultural celebrations unnatural were Divali (25%), Eid- Ul-Fitr(45%), weddings (8%). The close uncommon cultural celebrations were placed into a group called other which held 12% of the interviewed. go steady 1.0 answered the first question question, How did the state of emergency impact on the on the culture of the citizens of Tr inidad and Tobago?According to this experience, the allocated curfew and the outlaw of pyrotechny during the state of emergency were generally responsible for the cultural interruptions. reckon 2.0 set forth the effects of the state of emergency on family life. 67% of the respondents stated that the state of emergency had some impact on their family life whilst 33% stated that it did not. All of the responses pertaining to this figure dealt with the state of emergencys associated curfew, even those who express that the state of emergency had no effects on their family life all stated that this was closely apparent because the curfew did not pretend them.The other respondents were further broken up into two groups. Those whose families were affected coercively (86%) and those who were affected negatively (14%). familiar conundrums whilst those who were affected positively state that the state of emergencys curfew forced them to spend more time together. dactyl 2.0 plump for up in answering the problem statement which was whether or not the state of emergency was beneficial to the citizens of Trinidad as well the first question question. convention 3.0 showed the effects on business get in Trinidad during the 2011 state of emergency. 25% of the interviewed claimed that their profits lessen by snow% while 22% claimed that their profits lessen by 70%.Another 21% claimed that their profits accrued by 50%, 10% state that their profits decreased by 20% and 19% state that their profits re primary(prenominal)ed the same. Only 3% of the interviewed claimed to direct an annex in business profits during the state of emergency 2011. These results were most promising payable to the curfew and ban on pyrotechny associated with the state of emergency. The ban on pyrotechnics would lay down greatly decreased the firework sales during the Divali and Eid seasons.The curfew would find affected the sales of night food vendors and night entertainment indu stry, decreasing sales. somewhat businesses probably change their business hours preventing a drastic decrease in profits. FIGURE 3.0 answered the fleck research question How did the state of emergency impact on the small local businesses in Trinidad? FIGURE 4.0 showed the reasons for the decrease or pluss in business profits during the state of emergency given by the surveyed. A dominating 84% of the interviewed stated that the restricted hours of the state of emergency was responsible for the loss in business. 12% stated that their products or skills were not required during the state of emergency create a loss in business. On the other hand 4% of the interviewed said people spent less cash on socializing during the state of emergency and were able to purchase their products.FIGURE 4.0 aided in answering the second research question. FIGURE 5.0 showed the effects of the state of emergency 2011 on businesses in present day and their opinions of the future. 79% of the intervie wed said that their business government issueed to plebeian profits afterwards the state of emergency had ended. 69% of these persons stated that the return of common business profits was out-of-pocket to the return of regular business hours whilst 31% said that it was receivable to people feeling safer at night after the state of emergency, promoting their business. On the other hand 21% of the interviewed claimed that their business profits did not improve after the state of emergency. All of the interviewed simultaneously said that this was out-of-pocket to persons steady recovering from the state of emergency thus, having less money to spend.The diagram also shows that 23% of the surveyed predicted that there would be an rise in the business domain of Trinidad after the state of emergency, all of whom concur that foreign companies would tend to invest in the economy since the crime situation has been stabalised by the state of emergency. However, the major(ip)ity (77% ) said that the state of emergency would not improve the business sector of Trinidad. 48% of which stated that the medicate kings were turf outd and continue to run the economy whilst 52% stated that the illegal importation of goods still exists do it tough for smaller businesses to make a profit. FIGURE 5.0 helps to answer the second research question.FIGURE 6.0 shows how safe persons snarl during the state of emergency and after. During the state of emergency, 70% of the interviewed felt safer whilst 10% felt less safe. 20% said that they felt no change in safety during that state of emergency. This was most likely as a result of persons feeling safer payable(p) to the fully grown number or arrests made during the state of emergency and the increase in legal philosophy patrols. Other persons may save felt targeted and in danger of the police officers. subsequently the state of emergency, 30% of the interviewed claimed that they felt safer, 53% felt no change in their saf ety whilst 17% felt less safe. Persons may have felt no difference in their safety after the state of emergency since the majority of the detained criminals were released due to a lack of evidence against them. Some may have felt safer due to the continued actions of the protective forces after the state of emergency and some may have felt less safe with the continued increase in gang activities after the state of emergency.FIGURE 6.0 aids in answering the third research question How effective was the state of emergency in its efforts to crack down on crime? FIGURE 7.0 shows the view of the interviewed on whether or not the government should have taken other measures to curb Trinidads crime problem other that the state of emergency. 42% of the interviewed agree, 27% strongly agreed, 22% disagreed and 9% strongly disagreed. FIGURE 7.0 aids in answering the problem statement. FIGURE 8.0 shows the function of persons who thought the state of emergency was beneficial to them as citize ns of Trinidad. 27% of the interviewed thought that the state of emergency was beneficial to them whilst 73% did not. FIGURE 8.0 answered the problem statement.The persons who agreed that state of emergency was not beneficial to them and that other measures should have been taken to cut criminal activity were possibly under the impression that the release of criminals after the state of emergency due to a lack of evidence did not help in eradicating crime scarce bottling it. The people agreed with the state of emergency and thought that it was beneficial to them were most likely appreciative of the macroscopic mass of narcotics and arm seized during the state of emergency as well as the few criminals who were further detained by the police.According to the data obtained, the majority of people were affected by the state of emergency culturally and financially. This was mainly as a result of the ban of pyrotechnics and the compel curfew. The few exceptions were explained by perso ns who were obviously not affected by these impositions or those who change their celebrations and business hours.The majority of people were not in favour of the state of emergency since it seemingly had no long term effect on the crime in Trinidad. A few felt unsafe, stating that they felt targeted by the police, some were indifferent and the others agreed with the state of emergency. They possibly saw the effects of the state of emergency to be sure-fire and were grateful for the efforts taken by the government.DICSUSSION OF FINDINGSAs seen from both the results of the questionnaire and the literature articles, the state of emergency in Trinidad (21st August- 5th December 2011) did have both negative and positive impacts on the lives of the citizens. According to FIGURE 1.0, the state of emergency definitely had a negative impact on two of the most democratic religious festivals of Eid- Ul- Fitr and Divali which are very bouncy to the cultural identity of Trinidad. The interru ptions were mainly due to the proposed curfew and ban of pyrotechnics. The interruption in such events would however not continue since the state of emergency ended on December 5th, 2011 and should not have a enduring destructive effect on culture.On the other hand FIGURE 2.0 showed that the state of emergency had mostly positive effects on family life as explicit in the Prime Ministers State of Emergency Address, which could have potential long term positive effects on culture. Hence, if the state of emergency did have a prominent impact on culture, it would be mostly positive. According to FIGURE 3.0, during the state of emergency local business profits mainly decreased with less than 5% band of the surveyed claiming to see an increase.FIGURE 4.0 explained these decreases in profits to be a result of forced the limited hours of business and the lack of desire for ploughshareicular products and skills. The surveyed claimed their increase in business was mainly due the restricti ng curfew encouraging persons to spend less money on socializing and more money on their products. This data is similar to the statements made by economist Indera Sagewan- Alli who predicted that the state of emergency, mainly its curfew, would have a damage impact on small businesses in Trinidad, harming economic growth.The Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ewart Williams however, had a different outlook on the state of emergency. He thought the severe crime situation to be hindering economic growth and saw the state of emergency, if successful, as an avenue to strengthen the business sector of the country. According to FIGURE 5.0 the majority of business profits had returned to normal and in other cases was still suffering from the state of emergency. non one business saw an increase in business profits. The majority of the surveyed predicted no future increase in business profits since the bulk of alleged criminals had been released top into society. The majority of the obtai ned data did not apply Mr. Williams statement. Hence, the state of emergency had a negative impact on the small businesses.The major aim of the state of emergency was to cut down on crime in Trinidad making it a safer home for the citizens. FIGURE 6.0 revealed that the mass of the seek felt safer during the state of emergency, which is most likely a result of mass numbers of alleged criminals detained and weapons seized during the state of emergency. However, after the state of emergency, the greater part of the sample said that they felt no difference in their safety which is most likely a result of the mass of detainees being released back into society. The Police Service Serious Crime Statistics showed no major decrease in criminal activity after the state of emergency nor did the general public feel safer. Hence, at this focus in time the state of emergency had not had a major positive impact on crime.FIGURE 7.0 and FIGURE 8.0 showed that majority of the study thought the sta te of emergency to be non beneficial to them and would have preferred if other measures were taken by the government to curb the crime problem in. To date, there has not been a significant reduction in crime which was the main purpose of the state of emergency. The state of emergency did not only have positive hardly also negative impacts on the small businesses and culture of the people. In the case of this study, the state of emergency was not sincerely beneficial to the citizens of Trinidad.The research conducted therefore concludes that the state of emergency was a poor decision made by the government of Trinidad which had no real effect on criminal activities and hindered the financial and cultural lives of the citizens. Hopefully the research conducted would encourage people to take a closer look at the decisions made by their government and encourage the government to be more cautious when making decisions that could potentially disrupt the lives of a oversized number of p eople for the worse. Also, the findings may be used by other researchers who may to compare the direct impact of the state of emergency to that of the delayed impact of the state of emergency.CONCLUSIONThe purpose of this study was to modulate whether or not the state of emergency 2011 (August 21st- December 5th) was beneficial to the citizens of Trinidad. The state of emergency negatively affected some of the most popular cultural celebrations in Trinidad. It was however not very lengthy and so its associated repercussions would not have had a permanent effect on culture. On the other hand, the state of emergency did benefit family life in most cases, strengthening the value of the institute family. Hence, the state of emergency 2011 had more of a positive impact on culture. The state of emergency had mainly a negative effect on small businesses which were mainly a result of the curfew. later on its end, the majority of small businesses had gone back to their regular turnovers wit h a few exceptions. non one business surveyed had an increase in business profits and the majority did not predict an increase since the event did not provide a significant decrease in the crime rate. Hence, the state of emergency was not beneficial to the majority of small businesses of Trinidad. Through my research, it can be cogitate that the state of emergency was not beneficial to the majority of the citizens of Trinidad and other efforts such as the implementation of other laws with similar but less harsh repercussions to that of the state of emergency would be more advantageous to the citizens.LIMITATIONS end-to-end my research, many limitations were encountered, reducing the accuracy of the study. Firstly, data placid by the means of questionnaires were collected from a sample limited to the townspeople of Marabella a department of the city of San Fernando for golden accessibility. This means that only people in those areas were surveyed, and hence the entire population of San Fernando was not well represented and hence my research may only represent that portion of San Fernando. Also, my sources were very limited due to the fact that the state of emergency 2011 (August 21st- December 5th 2011) was a very recent event and there were not many studies through were present. Hence, the search for appropriate resources was time go through and difficult. Lastly, my domain was a very large one and could not be powerful be represented by my sample size. Hence, the conclusion drawn may not fully represent the entire business community of Trinidad since the sample size was so small, making the conclusion slightly biased.RECOMMENDATIONSWith regard to the topic studied, a number of recommendations can be made The curfew of the state of emergency seemed to cause the majority of the problems and hence, if one were to occur again it should not be tended to(p) by a curfew to prevent negative cultural and economic consequences. The Trinidad and Tobago Police Ser vice should conduct more random yet regular patrols and raids, to cut down on the illegal trade of narcotics and murders. The Anti- Gang Act 2011 and Bail Amendment Act 2011 which are both already- enacted legislations should be used more frequently. These legislations allow for the persons for up to 120 days without bail. Hence, it gives the police service more time to profit appropriate evidence to ensure prosecution of criminals.BIBLIOGRAPHYAnonymous. (2011, August 21st) Breaking news State of emergency declared. Trinidad Express Newspapers. Retrieved January 15th, 2012 from, http// Anonymous. (2011, December 5th) State of emergency ends. C. News. Retrieved January 15th, 2012 from, http// Anonymous. (2012) Policed Service Serious Crime Statistics. Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Retrieved meet 18th, 2012 from http// tistics/tabid/141/Default.asp Bridglal, C. (2011, September 6th) State of emergency damaging to the economy. Trinidad Express Newspapers. Retrieved January 15th, 2012 from http// Richards, P. (2011, September 5th) Trinidad State of emergency in more ways than one. worldwide Issues. Retrieved January 15th, 2011 from, http// questionnaire is for a take research project based on the State of Emergency 21st August- 5th December 2011 in Trinidad. All information will be kept in the strictest confidence. The researcher is grateful for the time and effort you take in completing the questionnaire below. ravish tick the response most likely to be correct.(1)Did the recent state of emergency affect your uncouth cultural celebrations? 0 Yes 0 nary(prenominal)(Move on to question four if your answer is no)(2)If yes, state the cultural celebr ation(s) that was/ were affected by the recent state of emergency.(3)How was/ were these celebration(s) affected by the state of emergency?(4)Do you think the state of emergency was worth the interruption in your usual celebrations? 0 Yes0 No (5)Did the state of emergency have an impact on your family life? 0 Yes, negatively. 0Yes, positively. 0 No. (6)If you chose both yes option in the previous question, in what way did the state of emergency affect your family life?(7)Did the state of emergency have a negative impact on you financially? 0 Yes. 0 No. (8)If you answered yes in the previous question, how did the state of emergency affect you financially?(9) As a business owner, did your usual profits extinguish during the state of emergency? 0 Yes (approx. one hundred%) 0 Yes (approx 20%) 0 Yes (approx. 70%) 0 No.0 Yes (approx. 50%) 0 No. My profits change magnitude by (9) What do you believe was the cause for your decline/ increase in business profits?(10)Since the end of the s tate of emergency, has your business returned to its usual profits? 0 Yes. 0 It has improved. 0 No. (11) If there is an approach in your business, do you think it is due to the state of emergency? State why. 0 Yes. 0 No.(12) Government officials have predicted that there would be an overall improvement in the business sector of the country due to the recent state of emergency. Do you agree? State why.(13) Did you feel safer than usual during the state of emergency? State why. 0 Yes.0 No.0 No I felt more unsafe.(14) Do you feel safer now that the state of emergency has ended? 0 Yes Ifeel safer.0 No.0 No I feel more unsafe.(15) Do you think the state of emergency will improve the crime situation in the country in the long term? 0 Yes, it will improve.0No, there will be no change.0 No, it will deteriorate.(16)Explain your answer for the previous question?(17) Do you think the state of emergency was a solution to the crime problem of Trinidad? 0 Yes.0No.(18)The government should have t aken other measures to curb the crime problem. 0 I agree. 0 I disagree. 0 I strongly agree. 0 I strongly disagree. (19) Do you think the state of emergency was worth the problems faced by the citizens of Trinidad? 0 Yes.0 No.(20)Was the state of emergency beneficial to you as a citizen of Trinidad? 0 Yes. 0 No.